movies recaps

In Future, Kill The Lottery Winner Within 24hrs And Claim $3.6 Billion

In Future, Water is so Rare That Humans Drink Petrol Instead

In Future, The Rich Move to Space And Decide to Nuke The 3 Billion Poor People on Earth

Soldier Wakes up Trapped in a Room That Breaks The Laws of Physics

Humans Sent a Woman to an Alien Planet, But They Returned Her Within a Minute

Man Arrives in Hell And is Sentenced to Torture For 4000 Years

Astronauts Enter a Spaceship That Disappeared 7 Years Ago Only to Discover it Came Back From Hell

In This World, Time Moves Backwards

In This World People Die in The Most Random & Stupid Ways

Police officers brutally torture an innocent man, unaware he'll return one day to seek revenge

In 2120, Only a Few Humans Are Left as Robots Kill 8 Billion People to Save Earth

Distant Planet Where Only Men Live and Women Don't Exist

In Future, Only Few People Are Left as Alien Parasites Control 99% of Humanity

He Predicts a Doomsday is Coming, But Everyone Thinks he is Crazy

Humans Flood a Deadly Planet After Finding It Hides an Ancient Artifact with Unlimited Powers

Security Guard Accidentally Discovers He is Immortal After Surviving a Train Crash

Company Traps 2,000 people In The Desert For Terrible Experiment

To Go Viral, Reporter Kills People And Pretends to be First Responder To Get The Best Footage

They mocked this racer, not knowing he'd become the fastest nighttime 'courier'

Couple Trapped in a Bunker Must Wait 35 Years For The Door To Unlock Automatically

US Government Secretly Sells Illegal Immigrants as Cheap Meat For The Restaurants

In This World, As Soon As You Turn 18, You Get a Random Superpower

Man Stuck in a Time Loop Where The World Ends Differently Each Time

The ballerina and the boxer…